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Easy and Portable Breakfast Ideas for the Busy Student Athlete

It is hard to believe that school is starting in just a few short days. It seems like the summer has flown by and that it was just the 4th of July! Over the last couple of weeks I have had the privilege of working with many athletes, both individuals and whole teams. Kids and coaches that are interested in learning how to best fuel their bodies for peak performance both in the classroom and on the fields.

One of the most common questions that I get from the kids is what to eat in the morning when time is short. Those of us with teens know the drill. Getting them up and out the door can be a feat in itself, getting food into them can be a bonus. To help with this concern, I have pulled together a bunch of quick, easy and portable breakfast ideas that may make this transition back to school a little smoother.


We have all heard the old saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But what does this really mean? Breakfast "breaks" the overnight fasting period, jumpstarts the athletes metabolism (calorie burning engine) and most importantly kicks the appetite stimulating hormones into gear so that they can alert you to eat during the day. In order to get the most out of workouts and compete at a high level, athletes have to properly fuel the body ALL day long.

To Get the Most Out of Your Training you have to Consider FOOD as PART of Your Training

Quick, Easy and Portable Breakfast Ideas that can be Eaten in the Car or on the Bus

Frozen whole grain waffles with peanut butter and fruit

Rice Cake with Peanut Butter and Berries

2 Hard Boiled Eggs and Calcium Fortified OJ

Yogurt and Granola

Greek Yogurt Squeeze Tubes or Smoothie and Fruit

Individual Peanut Butter Packets with sliced fruit and crackers

Trail Mix - Nuts, Dried Fruit and Cereal

Yogurt and Fruit

Bagel and peanut butter or cream cheese and a carton of milk

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich and OJ

Leftovers from Dinner

Granola Bar and a Cheese Stick

(Some of my favorite granola bars: Cliff, Cliff Whey, Luna, Luna Protein, RX, Balance, Zone and Detour Smart Bars. Look for a bar that provides at least 8 grams or more of protein)

In addition to being quick and easy, these snacks also provide PROTEIN. Protein will help keep them full and continue to help tired muscles recover and get ready for the next practice, race or game.

Encourage your student athletes to pack an additional snack to have mid morning. This before lunch fuel will directly impact their concentration in the classroom and also help stabilize blood sugar to help maintain energy later in the day.

To Your Health - Noreen

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